In my preparation for exam, I found "very occasional" in context of giving full points for answers that are showing no or little errors.

Does "very occasional" mean: very seldom, almost perfect or no errors ?

I think so, but I want you to confirm my understanding, please.

  • Very occasional in this context means what the author intended it to mean. You could certainly take it to mean very seldom although this could refer to one answer in twenty, in a hundred or in a thousand. Commented Apr 1, 2018 at 12:37

1 Answer 1


Very occasional doesn't mean almost perfect on its own. You need to say, for example, an essay with very occasional errors. Or there might be a table with a heading grammar mistakes and rows with none, very occasional, frequent and so on.

It is a matter of judgement exactly how many "very occasional" might be. That is a judgement made by the teacher.

  • Thanks. As I mentioned, the stated phrase "very occasional" appears in the line for 10 Points out of 10. So it obviously refers to the maximum possible / available number of points. (LCCI B2 EXAM Grammar-Assessment). So yes, it´s within a table.
    – FrankMK
    Commented Apr 1, 2018 at 15:14

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