As I know, we could use “for” with perfect tense to talk about a period of time. However, I am still not sure how to use “for”.

Could you tell me which sentence below is okay? I don't know I should use only one "for" or two "for"."

I have been waiting for a bus 20 minutes.

I have been waiting for a bus for 20 minutes.

1 Answer 1


Both sentences are acceptable. Both, however, are a little awkward.

  • The first makes use of the quite ordinary expression

    I have been waiting 20 minutes.

    For is not necessary; the semantics of the verb wait make it perfectly clear what role 20 minutes plays in the sentence. But when you put for a bus between the verb and the time expression, the connection is broken; it takes a few microseconds of extra mental processing to figure out what role 20 minutes plays.

  • The second runs you up against what linguists call horror aequi—we don’t like using similar constructions too close to each other. For X for Y just feels uncomfortable. (This is a cross-language phenomenon and is probably what raised your question in the first place.)

The solution is very simple—flip your two adjunct phrases:

I have been waiting 20 minutes for the bus.

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