The same relative positions or motions of bar and ring can be achieved by inserting the bar into the ring, or passing the ring over the bar, depending on which of the items is stationary, and which one is movable. You will see phrasings like these in descriptions of experiments in electricity and magnetism.
It was reserved for Faraday to discover, nearly fifty years ago, the
law prevailing in these reverse electromagnets. He found [that]
when a coil is passed over the poles of a magnetized steel bar, or the steel bar inserted in the coil, an electric current is
developed, but lasting only as long as the relative movement of the
coil or bar, when the coil or bar is moved in an opposite direction so
as to separate them, a temporary current in an opposite direction is
"Bell's Telephone" - The Manufacturer and Builder, Pg. 277, December 1877