May I use definite article in front of abstract noun?

1.Creativity is a must in the present world.

2.The creativity of our boss has taken attention.

when and why I will use definite article?

  • Example 2 is probably better as “The creativity of our boss has attracted attention” or “been noticed”...
    – Solar Mike
    Commented Feb 10, 2019 at 19:12

1 Answer 1


It's pretty much the same rule for all nouns, abstract or concrete. When referring to a general concept, either use no article or the indefinite article. When referring to a specific or known instance of that concept, use the definite article. This helps your audience know which you are talking about.

Example using a concrete plural noun:

Pencils can be sharpened with a pencil sharpener, but the pencils used for drawing should be sharpened with a razor blade or penknife.

Same for abstract nouns:

Integrity is normally a vital character trait for anyone in a position of trust, but the integrity of this well-known character seems deeply flawed, or even nonexistent.

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