Australia, which is coordinating the search in the southern Indian Ocean, said it had established a new body to oversee the investigation and issued countries involved in the search a set of protocols to abide by should any wreckage be found. ..................

I am wondering if my perception is correct?

My perception: ** it had stablished a new body to oversee the investigation and issued countries involved in the search a set of protocols to abide by should any wreckage be found** really means " it had determined a new boss to oversee the investigation and issued countries involved in the search a set of rules to be obeyed if any wreckage would be found.

2 Answers 2


"Established", set up, created a new "body" organized group of people,

"To abide by' to conform to the set rules.

  • -Thanks a million. I would be greatful if you tell my what the word SHOULD in the text mean? I forgat to ask it then. Does it mean "if" here?
    – user5036
    Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 13:58
  • Should any wreckage be found means in case any wreckage is found. Should is always followed be the infinite of a verb without "to".
    – user5267
    Commented Mar 31, 2014 at 15:24


From google "define: XXX, definition 1"

to set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis


From google "define: XXX, definition 3"

a group of people with a common purpose or function acting as an organized unit.

Therefore: "establish a body"

"...set-up a group of people to oversee the investigation..."

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