If we have no list of choice, we say:

What thing do you know?

If the list of choice appears, for example "of these ones", we change "what" for "which":

Which thing of these ones do you know?

But what to do if we deal with alive nouns?

An example without the choice list:

What person do you know?

What if we add "of them". Does "what" have a variant for the choice of list for alive nouns like "which" for not alive ones or it would be "which' anyway?

Which person of them do you know?

1 Answer 1


Instead of “what person” or “which person” you can use “who” or “whom”:

Whom do you know?

Who of them do you know?

Who of the following people do you know?

  • "Which person of them do you know?" is incorrect? Commented Apr 2, 2019 at 14:04
  • @MichaelAzarenko that sounds awkward to me, even if it might be technically grammatical. “Which person” is equivalent to “who” and “who” would be much more likely to be used in a question like this.
    – Mixolydian
    Commented Apr 2, 2019 at 14:11

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