a. Now would be a good time to play the guitar if my hand wasn't broken yesterday.
b. Now would have been a good time to play the guitar if my hand wasn't broken yesterday.
c. Now would have been a good time to play the guitar if my hand hadn't been broken yesterday.
d. Now would be a good time to play the guitar if my hand hadn't been broken yesterday.
Which of the sentences (a), (b), (c) and (d) is grammatically correct?
My hand was broken yesterday. If that hadn't happened now would be a good time to play the guitar. But I can't play the guitar now, and now is not a good time to play the guitar.
The event in the 'if-clause' is in the past, but the event in the main clause is in the present.
I changed the examples to clarify what I was after. I think we have a mixed conditional here.
Many thanks.