Could someone please let me know whether we can call someone "a real human" as a complement about his human values (like: kindness, forgiveness, faithfulness, generosity, sacrifice, etc.) (I am not quite sure whether "human values" is an idiomatic collocation).
- He’s a truly compassionate individual. He always help others without expecting them to return his favor. I definitely know if he faces someone in need, will overlook his own needs and donates whatever he has in order to help that person! You know, "he’s a real human."
Also, I have found some internet sources which indicate that this sentence might be idiomatic, but the problem is that I am not quite sure if they have been uttered by native speakers.
Sometimes it takes a real hero to become a real human being. Source
If it is not a natural and idiomatic way of expressing it, I wonder how shall I say that.