No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail.

No creature has been praised or abused more often than the common garden snail.

It is said that these two sentences are the same. But I feel that we should replace or with and in the second sentence. I am confusing about using or in the second sentence.

1 Answer 1

  1. No creature has received more praise and abuse than the common garden snail.
  1. No creature has been praised or abused more often than the common garden snail.

The two examples do not mean the same; and sums up the frequency of praise and of abuse, but or does not.

Example 2 means the snail has experienced both types of treatments, counted separately, more than any other creature.

Replacing or with and in example 2 should make it mean about the same as example 1 does.

  • You should add a hypothetical [by x] after praised and abused as a learner might not realize that.
    – Lambie
    Commented Jan 21 at 16:14

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