I understand
- What do you think of it?
- What do you call this (in English)?
are correct while
- *How do you think of it?
- *How do you call this (in English)?
are incorrect because the thing being asked about is a grammatical object (complement) which should be asked by what.
My question is to what extent How do you... variants above sound wrong to native speakers? As asked in this question and others, there is at least some semantic reason to think how can be used above. Do they sound completely strange/nonsensical or is it that they sound strange but will be understood as what variants or that they will be understood as meaning something different?
A few things that led me to the question.
- In many other languages words equivalent to how are used (e.g. Wie denken Sie darüber in German; Comment s'appelle... in French)
- I think I heard How do you think..? in a film. I don't remember the actor was a native English speaker but it should have been an American film.
I understand this might be off-topic as opinion based, but any input appreciated.