'As' can mean 'when considered in a specified form or relation' (see #3 under 'adverb'). 'Specified' can be another way of saying just like or unchanged. It indicates that the author (Proudhon) hadn't altered his views at the time of writing that quote from the views he had held over the last 25 years. He's saying that the quote provided really is a summary of all his previous work, not a redaction, revision or refinement.
This is a very subtle nuance of the word 'as' compared to the alternatives provided in BillJ's comment and Steve's answer. It might not even be significant - the author probably didn't deliberate over every possible word choice when writing! The variants from the previous answer and comment could easily have been substituted for the original sentence without changing the meaning. But, this is a connotation which the word 'as' in your context might specifically convey: a 'doubling down' by the author on a philosophical position.