The following sentence came up to me in this page.

  1. Students with integrative or instrumental motivation (particularly integrative) were less likely to experience severe attrition.

What do "instrumental motivation" and "integrative motivation" exactly mean?

2 Answers 2


According to the explanation (in the context of employees of a company) on customerservicemanager.com:

  • Instrumental motivation is a person's desire to meet a goal.
  • Integrative motivation is a person's desire to be part of a community.

For example, suppose that you're a high school student taking a Spanish class.

  • If you're taking it because it fulfills an admission requirement for a university that you'd like to go to, that's instrumental motivation.
  • If you're taking it because you want to communicate with your best friend's grandparents who are immigrants from South America, that's integrative motivation.

"instrumental" compelling, deciding, decisive, essential, imperative, momentous,
"integrative" product of time and effort

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