What does "something twitch in someone" means? How else would you use it in sentence?

He said: "As soon as I saw them start CPR, something twitched in me. You always hope that, if you have a defibrillator and get there quickly, they will respond to at least two or three shocks. The longer the resuscitation, the less the chances of survival. But this is a very fit 23-year-old and those attending him are trained in CPR.

1 Answer 1


Idiomatic in a physical context with "me" would be inside.

Something twitched inside me.

Something twitched in|inside my chest.

in me is normally used to refer to a mental or emotional feeling.

Something in me snapped and I went berserk.

So in your sentence "twitched in me" is probably referring to an emotional feeling, not a physical sensation, but speaking of the emotion figuratively as though it were a physical sensation.

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