I do not understand the next sentence:

The term "studio apartment" is one used frequently by British estate agents to describe a small unit of accomodation.

First: Can someone explain to me why the adverb of frequency is placed after the verb "to use"?

The term "studio apartment" is one frequently used by British estate agents to describe a small unit of accomodation. *

Second, Can someone explain to me the meaning of "one" in this sentence?

Studio apartment is one of the terms frequently used by.... (It is the sentence that has sense to me)

Thanks in advance.

  • There is no special reason for the placement of the adverb; it's just a stylistic choice. Commented Dec 1, 2023 at 9:33

1 Answer 1


The word one in

The term “studio apartment” is one used frequently…

means “a term.” Compare

Many US presidents were tall. Abraham Lincoln was one who was particularly known for his stature. Another was George Washington.

Here, both one and another have the implicit (and elided) complement, US president.

I’d also point out that this usage is independent of the passive voice, as is demonstrated by the sentence about President Washington. And consider as a further example

In many species of songbirds the sexes differ markedly in size or appearance. One that demonstrates such sexual dimorphism is the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis), the male of which is a bright red, while the female is a drab grayish brown.

Here, the verb demonstrates is, obviously, in the active voice.

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