I would like to know if there are any terms to represent a month with 30 days or 31 days respectively.
Big month? Leap month?
I would like to know if there are any terms to represent a month with 30 days or 31 days respectively.
Big month? Leap month?
If you want separate terms to refer to 30-day months and 31-day months, I doubt you'll do better than 30-day months and 31-day months.
Even and odd sound nice, but they have an unfortunate flaw: people use them to refer to even- and odd-numbered months! That is, months 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 are odd; months 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 are even.
The term knuckle month sounds nice, too, but not everyone will get the reference, I'm afraid. I'm certain of this because I just talked to a friend a couple weeks ago who was unfamiliar with the knuckle mnemonic.
You can, of course, use a term like knuckle month or odd month, as long as you're careful to tell people what you mean by it. But if your goal is to communicate without further explanation, I would avoid looking for special terms like these (fun as it may be) and simply state the number of days.
I'm late to the party but it might be useful to know. At my former employer, we called them standard and extended (as in standard-length month and extended-by-one-day month). February was referred to as leap or extended leap, depending on the year.
The March and October were sometimes referred to as increased and decreased because of the one-hour offset when the daylight saving kicks in and out.
So there was expressions like accumulated work hours in the extended and non-decreased months. Not surprisingly, the nomenclature was as painful as it was precise.