a centre of academic excellence
a centre for academic excellence
Would you please throw an example show me what is the difference between those?
Many thanks
a centre of academic excellence
a centre for academic excellence
Would you please throw an example show me what is the difference between those?
Many thanks
Wikipedia defines center of excellence as:
a team, a shared facility or an entity that provides leadership, evangelization, best practices, research, support and/or training for a technology, a business concept, a skill, or a broad area of study.
Here is an Ngram that contrasts the usage of center of excellence vs center for excellence. From this, I think we can conclude two things:
What is the difference between the two? I don't think there is any, except in name and name alone. Near as I can tell, the Wikipedia definition of center of excellence would apply to a center for excellence.
It's worth noting that for and of can be used interchangeably at times. Both prepositions have several meanings, and a few of them overlap. For example, I can say:
According to Macmillan's definition of 'center of excellence'
According to Macmillan's definition for 'center of excellence'
So why would an organization pick for rather than of, when of is more common? I can think of two possible reasons:
Some might consider for to be a more "active" preposition, while of is a more "passive" preposition. (You don't campaign of a cause, you campaign for a cause.) A university's center for teaching excellence is not a static entity – it's trying to promote good teaching within the institution.
Some might think that the term center of excellence could be a little ambiguous. One dictionary defines the term as, quite simply, "a place where there are very high standards of work". Also, one medical dictionary rather disdainfully mentions that center of excellence is "a colloquial, jargonistic, and vastly overused term."
This is one of those areas that a learner might agonize over, while a native speaker would neither give much thought to which preposition was chosen, nor discern any significant difference in meaning between a Center of Academic Excellence and a Center for Academic Excellence.
Good question. I searched the phrases and found that both are in practice.
Regent Oxford is a centre of academic excellence for which we have been renowned locally and internationally since we were established in 1953 - Regent English Language Training
National, state and local officials praised the University of South Alabama’s School of Computing as USA announced on Feb. 11 its continuing designation as a Center for Academic Excellence in Information Assurance and Cyber Defense from the U.S. National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security. - University of South Alabama
We have a center for academic excellence that we intend to roll out.... - a statement in Washington Post.
It's worth noting that string "...for academic excellence..." shows no results on Ngram. And I tried both the spellings -center and centre.
Personally, I'd prefer 'of' over 'for'.
center * excellence
on Google Ngram shows results of both of and for.
Feb 18, 2015 at 10:32