Depending on your point of view, we can take some charactristics as negative or positive e.g. determined -> stubborn, innocent -> naive.
My friends and I are looking for a disapproving word being used by people from low-class in society (probably a slang word) to describe a person who is classy.
For example, you go shopping with your friend and your friend suggests a design shirt and you say humorously,
I'm not (a) [classy] (person).
(Needless to say, classy is a positive word and I want a negative equivalent mostly used by people who lead a hard life)
Or someone asks a poor or a homeless guy if he uses dental floss. He answers,
We're not [classy].
In my native language we use a word which almost means "an obssessive princess" by which we mean you're rich and really careful about your clothes or unimportant things.
Is there any adjective, noun, or even a verb phrase to describe such a person?
(Informal/slang words are really appreciated since we use this word informally in our language.)