I'm having trouble trying to do these exercises of sentence transformation, where you have to fill in the blanks with 3-6 words, including the one in brackets, so that the new sentence has the same meaning as a similar meaning to the original one. This is the first.
They left as soon as I entered the room. (had)
No _____________________ the room than they left.
Before knowing the answer, I thought it was something like No [sth] I had entered the room than they left, but I couldn't guess what [sth] could be and I didn't notice the inversion.
Here is the second.
He told her because he believed it was true. (belief)
He told her ______________________ true.
I don't understand why they removed because, maybe I shouldn't write it... But they left true... And I think the solution doesn't contain the fragment his belief was true, since the thing that is true is the it of the first sentence. But I may be wrong...
Edit. This is not homework! Answering this question will mean neither relieving me of my duty nor making me able to do all the exercises of this kind. It'll just teach me two expressions that might come in handy one day (and maybe some useful tips too ;).