I am wondering if there is any rule on capitalization regarding to the title of articles.
For example, Should I write: "The Road to Berlin" Or "The road to Berlin" ?
I understand that the city name must be capitalized. However, the common word such as "road", should it be capitalized as well ?
Here is another tricky example: "A fast learning algorithm for deep belief nets"
The correct capitalized should be: "A Fast Learning Algorithm for Deep Belief Nets" since I must capitalize everything except a preposition. Is this true?
What's about the title containing a consecutive word like this example: "Deep learning in neural networks: An overview" I am not sure why the author does not capitalize everything.
I conclude that there is no specific rule for this and it is a matter of writing style. Can anyone help me confirm this?
Here is the similar question but it does not answer my specific question. How to capitalize (or not) an abbreviation, is there any rule?
Thank you!