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Are the verbs [**Did**] and **[do]** plural or singular in the sentence below?

In the first sentence that starts off with a verb and ask a question "Did you do [that]?" I only understand that this question has [that] which stands alone from a noun and it is singular. ...
rcorn's user avatar
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Why doesn't the general rule apply to this sentence and a plural noun and plural verb is used instead of singular noun and verb?

In this sentence, Which of those would you like? Here is what I understand that words like ''which" and "none" are singular and can be plural. The word "which" is a relative ...
rcorn's user avatar
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Can you explain in what way do the distributive pronoun in the following sentences stand alone?

rule: You can use distributive pronouns as a stand alone or by themselves. In what way does the distributive pronoun stand alone in the following sentences? Does this mean they stand alone without a ...
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