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3 votes
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What does 'scape mean in this quote by Shakespeare?

I found this line in Hamlet by William Shakespeare. And 'scape detecting, I will pay the theft. What does "'scape" mean? Google says this. A long, leafless flower stalk coming directly from ...
Capacitor's user avatar
5 votes
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What does "do't" mean?

I found this line in Hamlet by William Shakespeare. I'll do't. Dost thou come here to whine? What does "do't" mean? Google returneth only "don't". Is "do't" an alternative spelling of "don't"? ...
Capacitor's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What do 'hisself' and 'nuff money' mean?

He got hisself kicked out cause he couldn't cough up nuff money to pay the rent. What do 'hisself' and 'nuff' mean? It maybe looks like the nuff money is type of money. But how he can cough up money?
Максим Васильев's user avatar