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Exact "words here"
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This tag is for questions seeking a word that fits a meaning. Please demonstrate why you expect the word to exist in English. For example you could tell us a word that means the same in another language. Please use a bilingual dictionary and include the result of your research. Please include a sample sentence demonstrating how the word would be used. If you actually seek a phrase, or don't care, see the "phrase-request" tag.

1 vote

What is the word for describing a thing right at the edge?

Verge. A single word replacement for the word "edge," when used to describe the emotional state or decisional position is used in the pseudo-prepositional phrase, "on the verge."
James Bush's user avatar
-1 votes

The word that describes the things you do as a person

Personal. Sometimes, the answer is very simply, very obvious—so obvious and so simple, that someone immersed in too many complexities forgets that simple exists.
James Bush's user avatar