If I'm at a bar and I want, for example, drink my cup of coffee at a table outside, is

can I take it outside?

a good way to say that? Also, does

can I take it out?

have the same meaning?

1 Answer 1


Your two sentences may have two different meanings

Can I take it outside?

is the literal meaning of carrying something outside, it implies you already have your cup of coffee in hand.

Can I have it outside?

would be said if you are asking about where you can be served.

Can I take it out?

might be understood to ask if you can take it with you as a "take-out" (AmE), "to-go" (AmE) or "take-away" (BrE), which may mean you are asking for a paper cup for your coffee to take somewhere. A better formulation might be

Can I have this to go?

"Out" is used in general to mean a distance away

Let's go out tonight.

"outside" means out in the open air but possibly in a nearby area

Let's go outside on the terrace.

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