Have a contractor apply ( ) water proofing material from ( ) grade level down.
Why do you think "material" and "level" are without an article?
Have a contractor apply ( ) water proofing material from ( ) grade level down.
Why do you think "material" and "level" are without an article?
Why do you think "material" and "level" are without an article?
Nouns used as types don't take articles. Articles make a noun talk about a specific instance of something, but when we are talking about the type, we aren't doing this anymore.
What kind of socks should I bring? Bring red ones. (Red is a type of sock. I don't care where they come from as long as they are red. If you have some, great. If you have to buy some from a store, whatever.)
WHICH socks should I bring? Bring the red ones. (There exists a number of red socks, that you should know about, and I want you to bring those red socks.)
Have a contractor apply ( ) water proofing material from ( ) grade level down.
We want to contractor to apply something that is a type of material that is waterproofing, but we aren't telling him to get any instance of existing material - there may be a pile of that material there, but we don't know that.
Since articles make nouns talk about specific instances of something, when we use a noun to talk about a concept of something (e.g. "X in general"), or in the abstract, we don't use the article either.
Socks feel really good on your feet. (Socks as a concept.)
The speaker/writer is considering "grade level" as a concept. If a person had actually measured the grade level, it may become "concrete-ized" and they may then say the grade level.
"water proofing material" seems to be an indirect object to "apply" and it's an adverbial objective.
"grade level down" looks like the adverbial objective of the adverbial prepositional phrase that it forms in combination with "from" and "down".
A verbose version would be "downwards from the grade level to the ..."
Compare that with the apparently related "go home vs go to home" and usage of go to vs go, because I\m not really sure, just trying to point at additional information, even if I might have it mixed up.