I do not get the meaning of the expression: "They are not in it with the bees". I need an equivalent that can be understood by everybody.
This is the full text:
ALIN CAILLAS, L’Apiculteur, p. 464, estimates that a bee carrying .0007 oz. of honey at a load will make 12,632 trips to fill a section 4 inches square and 1 inch thick. If it average 5/8 of a mile to the trip, it will travel as much as a third of the way around the world. In a colony of 120,000 bees, if 80,000 are fielders, and each one makes 10 trips of 5/8 of a mile daily, the total travel for the day will be more than twice the distance to the moon. As flyers, the Wright brothers are not in it with the bees. [If a bee carried .0007 oz. of nectar it would have to make nearly twice 12,000 trips in order to make enough honey to fill a section 4 inches square and 1 inch thick. — ED.] Source: Gleanings in Bee Culture, March 15, 1911, p 160, bottom of the first column.