Almost all well-formed English sentences have a verb. Most grammar books for ELLs suggest that we can understand imperative sentences as having the implied "You" as the subject. For example,

Sit down. (= You sit down.)

I noticed that in a movie I watched, it has this sentence, Judah Buckner to the rescue, which can be generalized to the construction: X to the rescue.

Though the meaning is clear, I would like to know how to analyze this construction as a sentence. Should I regard it as a fragment? Or should I understand it as an ellipsis, as shown below?

Superman to the rescue.
  (= Here is Superman to the rescue.?)
  (= Here comes Superman to the rescue.?)

  • 2
    I think of it as, "Here comes..."
    – Jim
    Commented Jan 25, 2014 at 1:06
  • An imperative sentence with an implied you subject is still a sentence. X to the rescue isn't; it's a fragment (technically, an ejaculation) with an idiosyncratic form. Any suitable addition can turn it into a complete sentence, such as "It's..." Commented Jan 25, 2014 at 3:04
  • @chrylis I think OP understands that it's not a formally complete sentence, in the TenthGradeEnglish sense, but it is a complete utterance; he is asking how it would best be expressed as a formal sentence. Commented Jan 25, 2014 at 3:48

1 Answer 1


Similar to the comment, I'd read it as:

Judah Buckner is coming to the rescue!

This would probably be said by Judah Buckner himself, speaking in third person.

  • 2
    +1 I sorta like OP's "Here comes", but you've put your finger on the classic context: it's a self-proclamation, ►**!!Olaf Trygvasson, Gentleman Adventurer!!**◄ Commented Jan 25, 2014 at 3:55

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