I have a question about the meaning of these statements:

1a- The most effective method in developing and improving health is considered to be daily exercises. (Original)

1b- The most effective method developing and improving health is considered to be daily exercises.

1c- The most effective method to develop and improve health is considered to be daily exercises.

2a- He is wrong in saying, "Jack is stupid" . (Original)

2b- He is wrong saying, "Jack is stupid" .

2c- He is wrong to say, "Jack is stupid" .

Can I use the other versions instead of the 1a and 2a? Do 2b and 2c mean the same thing as the 2a version, and likewise with 1b and 1c?

  • 1
    C versions sound fine to me. B ones, though, not so much Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 16:51
  • 2
    1d- The most effective method of/for developing and... 2c- is my choice. Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 16:55

1 Answer 1


I would use "method for developing" or "method of developing". "Method to develop" is possible, but I don't find it as natural. The others I would not say.

"Wrong to say" is most natural for me, followed by "wrong in saying". I wouldn't say "wrong saying".

Note that questions like this are about the requirements of the particular words method and wrong: they are not governed by general rules.

  • Thank you. What does "in" mean in the a versions? Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 17:01
  • 1
    @TalhaÖzden: It's the same "in" as In what way / In what respect? as responses to the non-specific utterance He's wrong. Just an (optional) preposition loosely identifying the relationship between the "basic" statement (that he is wrong), and the specific wrong thing that he did. Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 17:14

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