She died quickly, shortly before she was to have married.

In the above sentence, what does it mean by "she was to have married"?

Does it mean "she was to get married"?

1 Answer 1


She died quickly, shortly before she was to have married.

She died quickly, shorty before she was to get married.

She died quickly, shortly before she was to be married.

are all very nearly meaning-identical.

All have exactly the same time indications, although the time indicator p.p. in the first has a different tense: there was a planned wedding, and she died sometime between the time the date was set and the wedding itself.

The first is slightly less common use, and may sound a little antiquated to some listeners.

  • 1
    Thank you so much for your answer !
    – John Lee
    Commented Dec 17, 2019 at 4:05

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