In the context of a website, for example, a dating site, I would like to know the meaning of the following expressions:

  • "to check someone's profile"
  • "to check out someone's profile"
  • "to view someone's profile"
  • "to look at someone's profile".

Do those expressions have to do with turning one's eyes towards something or do they mean to examine something or do they mean to read something?

What should I think of or should I imagine when I hear or see those expressions?

I have some examples:

  1. Someone likes your profile. Why not CHECK OUT their profile and see if you're interested.
  2. Susan just VIEWED your profile!
  3. Megan Fox just LOOKED AT your profile!
  4. Alizee just CHECKED your profile!
  • View and look at just mean, as you put it turn your eyes towards it. Check and check out have more a sense of examine to see if it's suitable. Commented Apr 15, 2020 at 8:38
  • @Kate Bunting So if you check or check out a profile, you want to examine it. But if you want to view or look at it, you just want to take a look at it, something brief. Is that correct? Commented Apr 15, 2020 at 21:26
  • I don't suppose there is any great difference when it comes to looking at profiles on a website, but those are the literal meanings of the words. Commented Apr 16, 2020 at 8:30

1 Answer 1


The meaning of each example is the same. It is the connotation that is different. Connotation varies among subcultures, but for me Ex.1 brings a sense of excitement and a little urgency, implies new possibilities, and warrants a high level response (action or reply). Ex.2 is only informative, FYI, no sense of importance, and doesn't warrant a response. Ex.3 is also informative, but draws a level of curiosity that warrants a low level response. Ex.4 is informative as well but implies importance, perhaps as if one is waiting for such an notification.

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