I feel a bit embarrassed to ask this question after all the years of learning English, but do you "stand/get on" or "stand/get up on" a higher object (for example, a bench)? I mean when you change your position.

  • Both are correct. The addition of the particle changes the meanimg.
    – Eddie Kal
    Commented Dec 12, 2020 at 17:40

1 Answer 1


Typically, you:

(just) sit (or stand) on a bench/ a chair/ a couch / a bed

climb onto (or over) a table/ a gate / a wall or similar obstacle

climb through a window

climb a ladder/ a mountain

climb up a tree/ a rope

mount, get (up) onto, a horse / donkey etc

Scale is often used (transitively) instead of climb, especially when challenging climbs are involved.

You can ** get onto** or step onto/over any object that requires you to mount something, a stile for example.

You get into a vehicle / clamber or climb (up) into a truck.

And many more.

(Don't get into a pickle over prepositions)

  • If you change your position so that you are no longer standing on the floor and instead standing on a bench, are any of my proposals correct or is there no way around 'onto' (to be frank, I just forgot that preposition)? And can I use 'onto' with 'stand'? Can it describe that kind of motion or does it only refer to a stationary state (other meanings aside)? Commented Dec 12, 2020 at 19:19

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