Halving is the action of dividing something to two halves, i.e., they are assumed to be of equal sizes.
What is the word for the action of dividing something into two parts, that are not necessarily identical?
Halving is the action of dividing something to two halves, i.e., they are assumed to be of equal sizes.
What is the word for the action of dividing something into two parts, that are not necessarily identical?
One (somewhat archaic) option is
Cleave -- "to split or divide by or as if by a cutting blow, especially along a natural line of division, as the grain of wood." (Dictionary.com)
This doesn't explicitly create exactly two parts, but generally if you split something with a single blow, you'll only end up with two parts.
An common phrase that does explicitly specify the number of resulting parts is to split (something) in two
A lot of words are there. You yourself said Dividing.
consumer magazines can be divided into a number of categories.
There are also Separate, Split etc.
Separate the cake into two parts.
The river had split into two channels later in it's way.
None of these mean breaking into into equal parts.
This is supposed to usually mean two equal parts, but not always. From www.dictionary.com:
verb (used with object)
to cut or divide into two equal or nearly equal parts.
Origin of bisect 1640–50;
bi + -sect<Latin sectus, past participle of secāre to cut, sever; see section
To use an example that was used by Rowan Atkinson to great comedic effect in one of his religious ministers sketches, I would suggest 'cleft in twain.'
It was an appropriation of Victorian-era Biblical English -meaning it likely dates from the 1700s or even earlier when the Bible was first printed/published.
Seriously now, in most informal English we would say 'split' or 'divided'.
Bifurcate, splitting in two pieces.