You would want to say
Software is becoming...
Software has become...
depending on your meaning. The present perfect implies that it has attained that status, where the ongoing says only that it is on its way to do so.
In this context, "software becomes" is not idiomatic to describe a general truth, though it can be used to describe a specific or qualified truth, for example:
Software becomes an indispensable component of everyday life. unidiomatic
Software becomes an indispensable component of everyday life when we
no longer know how to complete an important task without using it. idiomatic
Software is becoming an indispensable component of everyday life. idiomatic
Software has become an indispensable component of everyday life. idiomatic
The tea gets cold. unidiomatic, as is, without further licensing context, explicit in the statement or implicit in the conversation; for example,
What happens when you leave a cup of tea on the windowsill? The tea gets cold.
The tea is getting cold. idiomatic
Even the hottest tea gets cold eventually. idiomatic
The tea gets cold quickly when you open the kitchen window and let the
winter air in. idiomatic