Your sentence is related to the following two independent sentences:
Android [ may affect the system in a good way ].
Android [ may help in obtaining new useful features ].
We can join these sentences together with and and then factor out repeated material:
1. [ [ Android may affect the system ... ] and [ Android may help in obtaining ... features ] ].
2. Android [ [ may affect the system ... ] and [ may help in obtaining ... features ] ].
3. Android may [ [ affect the system ... ] and [ help in obtaining ... features ] ].
All of these sentences are grammatical.
To put it another way, we can talk about deleting repeated material:
1. Android may affect the system ... and Android may help in obtaining ... features.
2. Android may affect the system ... and Android may help in obtaining ... features.
3. Android may affect the system ... and Android may help in obtaining ... features.
We can remove Android and may because they're repeated.