This is the context:
Computers can do many wonderful things. However, there are many tasks that they cannot perform. Computers cannot determine whether a painting is beautiful; they do not “understand” moral issues; and they cannot fall in love. Such “human” processes are beyond computation. Whether a painting is beautiful is subject to taste, and computers don’t have taste. They also don’t have a sense of ethics to deal with moral questions. All of these questions are subjective and computers don’t do well with subjective questions. In this chapter, we will explore certain problems that have objective answers but that nevertheless cannot be solved by computers.
Source: The Outer Limits of Reason: What Science, Mathematics, and Logic Cannot Tell Us By Noson S.Yanfosky
What is the meaning of "don't do well with" in this context? Does it mean "doesn't have a good relationship with subjective questions?" If not, what then? Thanks in advance.