What does "as to" mean in this sentence "My English teacher's humor was such as to make every student burst into laughter."?
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What does "as to" mean in this sentence "My English teacher's humor was such as to make every student burst into laughter."?
Thank you very much!
As to here is a piece of the construction BE such as to VERB.
In this construction, such represents, approximately, of such a quality or character, and the entire construction may be paraphrased as HAVE a quality which VERB.
My English teacher's humor had a quality which made every student burst into laughter.
In this particular instance, however, the semantics are a little more complicated. What you are talking about is a 'quality', humor, ascribed to the English teacher. Consequently, you may understand the collocation of humor and such as so humorous, and paraphrase this whole as
My English teacher was so humorous that he made every student burst into laughter.
The construction such as to is old-fashioned and rather pompous now ; I advise you to avoid it in your own writing and aim instead at more direct expressions, like my second paraphrase.