Can I add a comma after "that" and before the main verb.

in this example, is the comma before the main verb grammatically correct?

a paper that provides an understanding of the impact of the multiple components of educational programs in various settings(,) has not yet been published.

  • Note that as well as the grammatical question you have a common mis-spelling of the word “trial”.
    – Mike Scott
    Commented Nov 21, 2021 at 11:38
  • @MikeScott - I'd wondered about the use of trail, as though this were a path leading towards some conclusion as in a paper-trail, but had dismissed it & just ran with the ball as passed. Now you mention it, I see you're most likely right. Commented Nov 21, 2021 at 12:05
  • I have replaced it to a paper.
    – DrDentMBR
    Commented Nov 21, 2021 at 12:18

1 Answer 1


Someone will probably come along with more background as to why this doesn't work, but essentially you're trying to use it to separate a subordinate clause, without there being one.

In effect, you seem to be aiming for

a trail, that provides an understanding of the impact of the multiple components of educational programs in various settings, has not yet been published.

It's not really a subordinate clause and I don't think it's necessary to separate it out in this way.

It could be a matter of opinion, but

a man, whose hands were dirty, entered the room

could be considered subordinate; not essential to the main import of the sentence.

I'd leave it plain

a trail that provides an understanding of the impact of the multiple components of educational programs in various settings has not yet been published.

  • Thank you very much.
    – DrDentMBR
    Commented Nov 21, 2021 at 12:00

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