When you ask a passer-by for directions, which would be appropriate?

"How do I get to the station?"

"How can I get to the station?"

"How do you get to the station?"

"How can you get to the station?"

I'm often confused whether to use "I" or "you", "do" or "can".

2 Answers 2


In BrE:

"Could you tell me how to get to the station?" is colloquial and unimpeachable.

"How do I get to the station?" is colloquial.

"How do you get to the station?" - though also colloquial - slightly suggests the other person sometimes goes to the station, which perhaps they don't.

"How can I get to the station..." needs e.g. "...with my feet tied together?"

"How can you..." needs something similar.

"How does one get to the station?" is perfect but - alas! - too old-fashioned to use. (So is 'Alas'.)


In AmE, they are used interchangeably. However, you will most likely hear example 2 and 3 used in AmE.

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