Can it be used like "that's how I came to know about them"? E.g., being introduced to the work of artists.
2 Answers
You can 'know about something' and that remains a valid construction when used as the target of 'come to' ('target' because I'm intentionally staying away from grammatical technical terms -- I'm not 100% how to accurately label the various bits here)
COME with a marked infinitive (to VERB) means broadly "to arrive at" the state or completed action denoted by VERB, can be employed with COME in any non-passive form or construction, and VERB will take its ordinary complements:
Macbeth comespresent to realize the emptiness of power.
It was through working with Frank that she camepast to learn about the Stellingas rebellion.
Eventually you will comemodal+infinitive to rely on her judgment.
John is comingprogressive to think less of his colleagues.
I have comeperfect to wonder at Brian's ability.
Cominggerund to be who one really is is a long, slow process for many people.
Ordinarily, however, COME will not be cast as a marked infinitive; that would present two adjacent marked infinitives, which feels awkward to most people:
If you make the effort to comemarked infinitive to know him you will discover why we put up with his erratic temper.