Are you prepared to bear the risks during transportation but have the seller organise and pay for transportation to the agreed place?

What is the role of "have" in this sentence? I do not understand meaning of the second part of the sentence because of it. To which part of the sentence "organise" refers?

Why "organise" does not take "s" if it refers to "seller"?

  • 1
    Replace but with or. You'll 'have' the meaning of 'have' then!
    – Maulik V
    Commented Sep 24, 2015 at 7:14
  • It is same as original text. Is it wrong?
    – user64617
    Commented Sep 24, 2015 at 7:15
  • I think it's [anything] but [anything] - a style. But not sure. What's the source? Any link? It'd give a better idea
    – Maulik V
    Commented Sep 24, 2015 at 7:16
  • 1
    Organize and not organizes because here, 'have' works like 'let'. It's not the seller doing things directly (for what it'd take 's). However, in such construction, I'd prefer using -ing. "....transportation but have the seller organizing and paying for ...."
    – Maulik V
    Commented Sep 24, 2015 at 7:25
  • No, I do not have whole of the book: just two pages.
    – user64617
    Commented Sep 24, 2015 at 7:25

1 Answer 1


Are you prepared to bear the risks during transportation but have the seller organise and pay for transportation to the agreed place?

According to this proposal, if anything happens during the transportation, you will bear the risks.

However, it will not be you who will cover the transportation costs. It will be the seller. It will also be the seller who will organize the transportation.

You will only bear costs if anything happens to the cargo on its route.

I'm not totally sure I understand the meaning of this on a semantic level, but that's how it looks to me.

Why "organise" does not take "s" if it refers to "seller"?

"To have someone do something" is a construction that means roughly to cause someone to do something, to make someone do something. Or, closer to your case, to "give someone the responsibility of doing something":

From Englishpage.com:

This construction means "to give someone the responsibility to do something."


Dr. Smith had his nurse take the patient's temperature.
Please have your secretary fax me the information.
I had the mechanic check the brakes.

In your case, you could give the seller the responsibility to organize and pay for the transportation.


  • 1
    +1 Nice answer! I just hope to see have the seller organise and pay highlighted for the OP. ;-) Commented Sep 24, 2015 at 8:43

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