Why are the names of these letters so different from how they are actually used in words ?
1. F - there are no words that start with an "F" that use the pronunciation "ɛf".
2. L - there are no words that start with an "L" that use the pronunciation " ɛl"
Similarly, M (ɛm), N (ɛn), H (etʃ), R (ɑr), S (ɛs), W (dəbəlju), x (ɛks), Y (waj) and Z (zɛd).
Apart from Z, which can be pronounced as 'zi', why are the names so different from how it is pronounced in words ?
Examples for other alphabets with words that have the same (almost) pronunciation as its name :
Ace, Beware, Cease, Deep, Eagle, Genes, Ice, Jail, Keratin, Oath, Piece, Queue, Tea, Unisex, Veal, X-ray.