I need your help with translating the Italian builder's term "cucitura armata" in English, preferably the term should be technical.
They are steel or iron rods inserted in structures which are at risk of collapsing.
I've checked using Google but it yielded only 21 results for ‘"cucitura armata" in English’, and as far as I could see, the English equivalent is nowhere to be seen. I checked with Word Reference but it only translated the term cucitura as "seam", "stitching" and "stapling". The private student whose work I am correcting, had written armed seam, but until she explained, I had no idea what it meant. I am not very convinced that armed seams describes the procedure or the name of this structural intervention.
Please, see Google images for armed seam, only images of cricketers and American footballers are displayed.
Here are a few images of "cuciture armate" to help clarify
Source of images: Consolidamento e restauro
Please help!