Surely the best way would be: "S/he was very sarcastic about me".
In [Lowland] Scottish, it is often abbreviated to "sarky", e.g. "S/he was very sarky to me".
The Chambers Thesaurus entry for sarcastic (link) is
ironical, satirical, mocking, snide, taunting, sneering, derisive, derisory, scornful, sardonic, jeering, scoffing, scathing, cynical, incisive, cutting, biting, caustic formal disparaging, acrimonious, acerbic, mordant colloq. sarky
You can take your pick from there, pretty much.
S/he mocked me,
s/he taunted me,
s/he sneered at me,
s/he derided me,
s/he jeered at me,
s/he made a scathing comment about me,
s/he made a really cutting (or biting) remark about me,
s/he made a really caustic comment about me