My question is related to verb and phrases.
I've written the following question and confused whether the sentence is correct or not.
The research on fatal heart attacks and stroke makes physicians believe that obesity is a main common factor in all these incurable health diseases.
Is the above sentence correct?
If it is not correct then please inform the mistakes.
If it is correct then my confusion is as make and believe both are transitive verbs so I'm confused in the role of make and believe and the part of the sentence starting with that.
makes is acting as a transitive verb and physicians as its subject. The part of the sentence after word physicians needs to clarify. Is the phrase "believe that obesity as a main common factor in all these incurable health diseases" is also acting as noun phrase.? or believe is acting as a verb transitive and rest of the part of sentence is acting as a subject for believe?
Can we use two verbs together as a single verb?