A noun has several types, like proper, common, collective, etc.; while verbs can be classified as transitive and intransitive. what is the difference between noun and verb? what is the difference between abstract noun and stative verb?

1 Answer 1


Consider your native language. Nearly all languages have categories of words that name things "Cat" "New York" "Pain", and a category of words that represent actions "run" "enjoy" "be".

All verbs are similar grammatically, for example, they have a present participle: "running" "enjoying" "being". All nouns are similar, for example, nouns can be the subject of a sentence: "The cat is good", "New York is good", "Pain is good".

Some words (eg love) can function both as nouns and verb but in a sentence, each word will either be functioning as a noun or a verb. "I love chips" (love is a verb). "Love is good" (Love is a noun).

A word becomes a noun or a verb when it is used in a sentence. There are also other categories, such as adjective, adverb.

We can sub categorise nouns in many ways. One way is to ask if the noun names a physical object or not. "Cat" is a physical object, so is "food". But "pain" or "love" are not. "Pain" and "love" are abstract nouns.

A verb can represent an action "He kicks the ball." Or a state "He lives in New York". If a verb represents a state it is a stative verb. The present continuous form of an action verb indicates repeated actions "He is kicking the ball (repeatedly)". The present continuous of a stative verb represents a temporary state "He is living in New York (until he finishes school)"

So "Pain" is an abstract noun when we say "Pain is good". "Live" is a stative verb in "He lives in New York".

You probably have the same categories in your language, though they might not correspond exactly to the English categories.

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