Ok, my little daughter likes going down the slide. But the problem is that sometimes she wants to slide down head-first like in this picture, which is very dangerous.
head-first, headfirst /ˌhedˈfɜːst◂ $ -ˈfɜːrst◂/ adverb
1 if you fall head-first, your head goes down first, and the rest of your body follows afterwards
dive/fall/jump/plunge head-first
I fell head-first down the stairs.
I want her to slide down with her legs going first like this
So, what should I say?
Sweetie, please slide down with your legs going first or please slide down legs-first
Also, what about other parts of the body going first such as "butt-first" or "hands- first", etc?
Note: We have the adverb "head-first" but no "legs-first"