I was wondering if I should use singular or plural after "to all". Instinctively I would go for plural, but when googling, the only example I found was a song title: "To all the boys", most other samples used "singular-looking words" like "To all the people". So I don't know if it's "art grammar" (like gramaticaly incorrect but OK for song writing) or just the right thing.
As far as I know, 'all' can be used for both singular and plural forms (1st answer), so I don't know if I should use plural or singular in this sentence : "To all the fanboy(s) ..." and why so ?
Sorry for my English, I'm not a native, just please ask in comment if I'm unclear.
Edit 1
My expected full sentence would be: "To all some_technology fanboys, permit me to quote "...", so joking about people who defends something I disagree with.