Look, I thought instead of eating out today, I'd cook something myself. What do you say to that?

Would I'd=I would be the most correct/common option for this sentence construction? Or would I will or I'm going to be more likely?

  • I'd definitely means I would. I will would be I'll, but that doesn't go with I thought. Commented Mar 16, 2022 at 15:19
  • Use either Past I THOUGHT I'd / I would eat out, or Present I THINK I'll / I will eat out according to your context. But be consistent. Commented Mar 16, 2022 at 16:55

1 Answer 1


Because the first clause is in the past tense ("thought"), the use of "would" (indicating future-in-the-past) is both correct and common.

As FF says in a comment, if the first clause were in the present tense ("think"), then you could use the future tense ("will"):

Look, I think instead of eating out today, I'll cook something myself. What do you say to that?

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