Since the first time we met us we are best friends.

I think that this sentence is incorrect, and I am trying to find a good alternative without having to change everything. What do you think of these options? Please tell me if all of them are grammatically correct and also which one is the most natural and native-live.

  1. Since the first time we met, we are best friends.
  2. We are best friends since the first time we met each other.
  3. We are best friends since the first day we met.
  4. We became friends on the first day we met.
  • 5
    None of your first 3 versions are idiomatic - we use Present Perfect with "since", as in We have been best friends [ever] since we [first] met. But there are many other perfectly natural ways of saying the same thing using different verb forms. No particular way is the "right" way - all we can say is 3 of your 4 versions are wrong because of that present tense are. So the question is Primarily Opinion-Based. Commented Oct 2, 2022 at 13:49
  • OMG of course! Totally missed that. Thank you for pointing that out!
    – E.V.
    Commented Oct 2, 2022 at 13:55
  • Would any of the sentences 1-3 be idiomatic/acceptable if they had the present perfect? 1. Since the first time we met, we have been best friends. 2. We have been best friends since the first time we met each other 3. We have been best friends since the first day we met
    – E.V.
    Commented Oct 2, 2022 at 13:56
  • 1
    @E.V. yes, any of those would work. A shorter way to say the same thing would be "We've been best friends ever since we met"
    – barbecue
    Commented Oct 2, 2022 at 14:00

1 Answer 1


The error is using both "we" and "us"

The verb meet can used without an object.

The second error is to use the present tense. You should use the present perfect to mean "until the present".

Since we met, we've been best friends.

Your (4) would be a good rephrasing.

  • But you could say From the first time we met one-another...
    – WS2
    Commented Oct 2, 2022 at 15:32
  • 1
    Yes, or more explictly "Since I met Sally, we've been best friends." (assuming the friend's name is Sally)
    – James K
    Commented Oct 2, 2022 at 16:01

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