In a sentence like this:
Her hands adorned with bracelets moved swiftly.
Should there be a comma next to hands? Should I separate the phrase "adorned with bracelets" or just leave it as such?
I am of the understanding that any additional information has to be separated by commas. When the phrase within commas is removed, the sentence still has to have a meaning and stand alone. But the additional information when is of importance to the complete meaning of the sentence, should the comma be placed at all?
I am really struggling to understand this. Can anyone suggest a rule guide which specifically addresses this?
I have already asked a question about replacing "that is" with commas. < Comma in the place of that is > I sort of understand the answers given to me there in that thread. However, I am not sure if I should apply the same logic here. My question regarding this was moved to chat and I didn't know how to receive any answers there. I was the only one in the room. Kindly assist.