This from the BBC website Lost wallet found 5 years on
It is about a story in which somebody lost his wallet 5 years ago after he watched a game in a rugby stadium, and it was found 5 years later. Here is a sentence from the text:
....Mr Joiner said: "I never thought it could have been in the stand because of the number of people you would have thought would have sat here."
The part of the sentence " would have thought would have sat here." drew my attention. We don't see that structure very often. So, I wondered why it might have been used.
Why is it " would have thought would have sat..." but not " would think would have sat..."?
I did some research and found similar discussions, but they are not clear enough for me, as a non-native speaker.
So, I want to ask: Is it simply because the editor of the text assumes "the activity of thinking" already took place and cannot happen any longer?